Meetings and Events

The Technology Division organizes and supports events, sometimes annually or semi-annually, the help bring the community of technologists, planners, and technology planners together. For our webinars, head over to the Knowledge Center.

2022 Division Achievement Award Winner!

APA Tech Certificate Award small 2

APA Tech at NPC 24!

We hosted a very successful "Planning Black Mirror" event at NPC'24 in Minneapolis, MN on April 14th! We developed a custom card game just for our members, where they competed to "solve" future technology and planning scenarios. This prompted a evening filled with laughter, discussions, networking, and insights into the future of technology.

Planning Black Mirror

Planning + Tech Hackathon '22

The Tech Division launched its annual Hackathon earlier this month challenging planners to develop a data specification for sustainability. In this lightweight, no-code Hackathon, anyone with coinciding interests in sustainable development, GIS, and/or data governance can participate by submitting a simple schematic (and/or proof of concept) to help planners measure and compare metrics for sustainable development between municipalities.

Students have the opportunity to win cash prizes if their proposed schematic is chosen. Regardless, the submission holds potential to be featured and/or operationalized by the Division!

Planning + Tech Hackathon '22

APA's National Planning Conference

The Technology Division hosted a happy hour and a "A Planning Chat with ChatGPT" at NPC '23 in Philadelphia. Interested in hosting more events like these at your local conference? Reach out to us!

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